How to use “Regional radar chart and ranking”

About regional radar charts/rankings

  In order to help you understood the current state of prefectures and municipalities, data for the region that you want
  to know about is "visualized" by displaying it in a radar chart or ranking.

1. Radar chart

  Compare data for the region that you want to know about (population change rate, excess migration rate, etc.)
  with the average for the whole country or prefecture, and display the position on the radar chart.
  You can visually assess the characteristics of the region based on the shape of the graph.
  ※To make it easier to compare data with different units, the radar chart displays deviation
  values ​​(values ​​converted so that the average value within the range of comparison is 50 and the standard deviation is 10).


2. Ranking

  The regional rankings of the data displayed on the radar chart are listed nationwide/within each prefecture.
  ※Rankings are calculated based on the size of the data.


Explanations of functions on the screen

1. The radar chart display screen

① Region selection field ② “Range of comparison” switching buttons ③ “Type of graph” switching buttons ④ Graph/numeric switching tab ⑤ Data display area ⑤ Data display area ⑥ “Select from other items” button ⑦ Graph display area ⑧ Other function ⑨ Search Tag ⑩ Recently Viewed Chart ⑪ Favorite Chart Config

▼ ① Region selection field

▼ ② “Range of comparison” switching buttons

▼ ③ “Type of graph” switching buttons

▼ ④ Graph/numeric switching tab

▼ ⑤ Data display area

▼ ⑥ “Select from other items” button

▼ ⑦ Graph display area

▼ ⑧ Other function

▼ ⑨ Search Tag

▼ ⑩ Recently Viewed Chart

▼ ⑪ Favorite Chart Config

2. The ranking display screen

⑫ Graph/numeric switching tab ⑬ Item switching menu ⑭ Graph display area ⑮ Data display for selected region ⑯ Graph range adjustment slider

▼ ⑫ Graph/numeric switching tab

▼ ⑬ Item switching menu

▼ ⑭ Graph display area

▼ ⑮ Data display for selected region

▼ ⑯ Graph range adjustment slider

3. The item selection menu

項目名切り替えタブへ 項目名選択リストへ 項目名選択 選択済み項目名リストへ 選択済み項目名削除 項目選択画面_OK 項目選択画面_キャンセル

▼ Operating procedure

4. Municipality selection menu

  You can freely select the municipalities you want to use for comparison.Please use this function when you want to compare with
  a specific area, such as within the 23 special wards of Tokyo or similar municipalities.The regions displayed in the municipality list
  are cities, towns, villages, and special wards of Tokyo.

  Ⅰ.Specify from the list of municipalities

項目名切り替えタブへ 項目名選択リストへ 項目名選択 選択済み項目名リストへ 選択済み項目名削除 項目選択画面_OK 項目選択画面_キャンセル

▼ Operating procedure

  Ⅱ.Specify by search condition

項目名切り替えタブへ 項目名選択リストへ 項目名選択 選択済み項目名リストへ 選択済み項目名削除 項目選択画面_OK 項目選択画面_キャンセル 項目選択画面_OK 項目選択画面_キャンセル

▼ Operating procedure

Operational procedure

1. Select a region

  ※If you want to display data for a prefecture, select the prefecture name in the municipality field.

2. Select a range of regions to compare

All prefectures nationwide Calculate the deviation value and rank of the region selected in "① Region selection field" against municipalities nationwide.
Municipalities within a prefecture Calculate the deviation value or rank of the region selected in "① Region selection field" against municipalities within the prefecture.
Any municipality The user can select any municipality. The deviation value and rank of the region selected in ① will be calculated against the selected municipalities.
※If you select a prefecture such as "13000 Tokyo" in "① Region selection field," only "All prefectures nationwide" can be selected.

All prefectures nationwide Calculate the deviation value and rank of the region selected in "① Region selection field" against municipalities nationwide.

3. To change the displayed items
Select the items you want to display from
the item selection menu.
4. About the display of the regional radar chart
5. Switch to the ranking display screen
Display the ranking of the selected series (regional ranking).
6. About the display of the ranking